"Place yourself as an instrument in the hands of (Love),
who does (its) work in (its) own Way."
Ram Dass

Sasha Star- Tatlayoko - photo by Zacharias

"There are two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.

The other is as though everything is a miracle."

Albert Einstein


"And the greatest of these is Love."

St. Paul


Lakshmi (unknown)

Sasha~Star believes that it is through Experiential Exercises and Real-Life Participation that we integrate ALL aspects of our Being (Mind, Body, Heart, Spirit & Soul) so as to Gently Evolve, Embody Awakening, and Return to the Love we Truly Are. She believes it is not so much even about Integrating as it is about having experiences of Realizing and Feeling. It is her Intention to offer Experiential Practices and Processes as well as various Holistic Therapies, and Facilitate Inspirational, Educational and Transformational Experiences within Safe, Sacred, Fun and Beautiful Space. She gives Guidance for Remembering and Living the Truth--One’s Own Truth, because she believes that Every Individual already has All the Answers they need Inside Themselves to Live the Life they Desire: Healed, Free, Fulfilled, Empowered and Inspired! Through her facilitation, she Intends for people to Experience True Love and Intimacy (in-to-me-see) with ‘Self’, ‘Other’, and ‘the Divine’.

"In the midst of the cavern of the heart, the pure Absolute shines alone."
Ramana Maharishi

Cedar Leaf Droplets by Sasha~Star

Her Great-Granfather was a renowned "healer" in the Netherlands, and people came from villages all around to "be healed" by him. These "natural healing abilities" have been talked about in her family for years, and she can relate to these gifts, but believes that we are all gifted and blessed, and need only be open to our True Selves to feel this "healing". She believes we can make beautiful differences in each other's lives, but essentially, we each choose to "heal" ourselves as we are ready. Her work is not so much intended to fix or heal anyone, but simply is Intended to assist people to Open and Allow themselves to feel the Love, Peace and Perfection that is already here Within and All around us, as Who we Are.

"Stillness in the mind;
awareness of the undying self.
Softness in the heart and body;
resting easily with what is.
Calm Mind-Full heart-Pure Presence;
Knowing your Own True Nature."
author unknown

She strives to Empower her clients to take Personal Responsibility for their Health and Happiness and Chooses to Personally Demonstrate this, as well as a Professional Business Inspired by Integrity, Respect, Love, Peace, and Compassion for Self and Others. She is constantly Inspired to make a Positive Difference in Life and through her Services in Whatever Ways She Can.

"Spring at Home" by Sasha~Star

She intends to continue working with her Beloved partner, Zacharias, to complete the building of their home and Retreat Sanctuary in the Beautiful and Wild Cariboo Reginal District of British Columbia, Canada and officially Open this Center in the near future, when the Time is Right.

"Lover's Work in Progress" - by Sasha Star

Quite simply, Sasha~Star's Intention is to Evolve in Learning Through Living, Practicing and Sharing what she Learns as she Goes and Grows as a Dedicated Student of Love, and Enjoy Life to the best of her ability all the way through! She loves living in the Innocence that sees the Beauty, Magic and Wonder in People and in Nature. Yes, it's no surprise that it is her Intention to Embody the Experiences of Living in Love, Realizing Heaven on Earth and "Being the Change she wishes to see in the world", but perhaps it should more specifically be known that she also DeLights in Spreading Smiles and Creating Joyful and Ridiculous belly-aching Laughter, Sharing Big Warm Hugs and Enjoying Really Good Food (like the yummy chocolate pixies eat that leaves little faery freckles when they kiss you!).  Yep, it is her intention to be as Practical and Down-to-Earth as possible while on this crazy-fun ride called Life on Earth and it doesn't take long to know that she is the REAL-i-o-Deal-i-o! Afterall, if we can't be Real and have Fun, what's the point?!?!

"Earthy Girl" photo by Zacharias

"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget
that the highest appreciation is not to utter words,

but to live by them."
John Fitzgerald Kennedy


"VW StarWagon Dashboard" by Sasha~Star

"A cheerful heart is good medicine."
Proverbs 17:22


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